BSIR Nurses & Radiographers CPD Event March 2025 - in Partnership with Terumo

Our CPD event has a focus this year on 'Professional Development'.

The study day is suitable for all nurses and radiographers working in IR, be it at the start of their IR career or if they have been working in the specialism for some time. The day will consists of key note lectures followed by interactive workshops. 

It's sure to be an engaging day with opportunities for networking and meeting fellow members of the IR community. 

BSIRNR CPD Event 2025

Saturday 8th March 2025
IET Birmingham, Austin Court - directions can be found here
Registration - Now open for BSIRNR Members
Programme - Coming Soon
Spoonsorship - Now available
Evaluation and CPD will be available after the meeitng
Enquiries: [email protected]