Scientific Session 4: GI, GU& Hepatobiliary (Alsh Suite)


Transplant Renal Artery Stenosis. Is endovascular treatment useful? - Syed Abdur, Rahman Mustafa



Stenting transplant renal artery u-bends. A case series - Ali Alsafi



Outcomes following endovascular intervention in patients with hepatic artery stenosis post liver transplantation - Thomas Glover



Insertion of balloon retained gastrostomy: A single centre review of 319 patients - Laura Ward



Percutaneous Embolization versus Surgical Repair of Varicocele in Pediatric Group: A review of 7 years - Sonaz Malekzadeh



Positive Outcomes Following Radiologicalled Deployed Biodegradable Oesophageal Stents - Alexander Zeinati



1000​ Per-Oral Image Guided Gastrostomies (PIGG): The sheffield Experience - Rehan Abdul-Halim