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BSIR Paediatric IR UK Abstract Submission now open!
Created - 19.02.2025
We are thrilled to announce that this year, for the first time, the BSIR Paediatric IR UK Annual meeting is accepting poster abstract submissions. Please see below for more information.
If you are a Consultant, Trainee, or Allied Health Professional, working or interested in the field of Paediatric IR, you have the opportunity to submit a poster abstract for the BSIR Paediatric IR UK 2025 Meeting.
If your submitted abstract is accepted, you will be eligible for one of the awards below. Please note, only one author (the corresponding author) for accepted abstracts will receive the award.
-Free Registration to attend the BSIR Paediatric IR UK 2025 meeting, for Trainees and Allied Health Professionals.
-50% discounted registration to attend the BSIR Paediatric IR UK 2025 Meeting for Consultants.
In addition, a prize will be awarded for the best poster, as judged by the scientific programme committee, and presented during the meeting.
To submit an abstract for BSIR Paediatric IR UK 2025, you must be either a consultant, trainee, or allied health professional, with the content of your abstract relating to the field of Paediatric Interventional Radiology.
Trainees and allied health professionals must have a consultant co-author on all submissions. Multiple submissions can be made, however only one submission will be selected for an award.
Abstract Submission:
Abstracts can be submitted as either Scientific or Educational posters. At least one named author of each accepted abstract must attend BSIR Paediatric IR UK 2025 in person. For submissions made by trainees or allied health professionals, this person cannot be a consultant. Accepted posters are to be printed and brought to the meeting in person. Posters are to be printed in size A0.
Abstract Scoring:
Abstracts will be scored on the following:
-Quality of scientific methods and conclusion.
-Clinical relevance to Paediatric Interventional Radiology.
If you would like to submit an abstract, please click here!
Submission Deadline: Friday 17th March 2025 @ Midnight.
We look forward to receiving your content.
Many thanks,
BSIR Paediatric IR Scientific Programme Committee