BSIR press release and articles on prostate artery embolisation - PAE

Created - 25.04.2018

NICE’s decision to approve Prostate Artery Embolisation (PAE) as a non-invasive option for selected men with benign enlargement of the prostate gland could revolutionize the way men are treated, according to the society that represents the clinicians delivering the treatment, The British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR).

 “Traditional surgical options for this condition can have significant complications, including surgical bleeding and retrograde ejaculation which can have upsetting effects on men. PAE, the new alternative, as shown in the ROPE Registry headed up by Dr Nigel Hacking, can now be offered to men in the UK as an alternative treatment for men who would prefer to avoid surgical options.

 Prostate Artery Embolisation is a minimally invasive alternative to Trans Urethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) or Laser prostatectomy. The procedure uses radiological image guidance to precisely target therapy. It is performed by an interventional radiologist, or image guided surgeon, who is trained to use the least invasive techniques to provide a wide range of therapeutic procedures under imaging guidance. Prostate Artery Embolisation is a technically demanding procedure requiring additional training and on-site supervision. This procedure is less invasive than current treatment methods and provides quicker recovery for patients. It is typically performed on an outpatient or day case basis. There is no need for a general anaesthetic or an indwelling urinary catheter and it’s safety profile is excellent.

 The BSIR is a charitable foundation founded to promote and develop the practice of Interventional Radiology. The BSIR is the voice of the profession and wants to expand the speciality so that IR is available to all patients who need it.

 This is a significant development for men with moderate to severe lower urinary tract symptoms from their enlarged prostate glands. NICE fully supported the UK-ROPE project, alongside the BSIR and BAUS (The British Association of Urological Surgeons).  It involved collecting almost 2 years of evidence on over 300 patients from 18 recruiting centres demonstrating the benefits and safety of Prostate Artery Embolisation.

 The new guidelines published on 25th April 2018, approved PAE under 'Standard' conditions means that this treatment could now become a real treatment option to men in the UK.

 Men will still need to be seen by an Urologist to exclude Cancer and other causes for their symptoms and working as a close knit team they will then liaise with their Interventional Radiology colleagues to choose the most suitable candidates for this treatment. PAE is not going to replace TURP, but it will provide a bridge between medication, once this is ineffective or causing side effects, and surgery. In some men PAE will provide a definitive solution, but in others there may still be a need for surgical options, including some less invasive procedures such as the Urolift procedure. Tailoring a patient’s needs to their treatment rather than offering a one size fits all policy is a major advance.

 "An enlarged prostate can have a severe impact on the lives of those living with it and complications related to treatment can effect men for the rest of their lives. It is important patients receive all the treatment options and not just conventional surgery. The BSIR, working closely with BAUS and NICE, are very pleased to promote access to this new option.” Trevor Cleveland, President of The British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR)

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