- 'The System' trailer
- About us
- Accessibility
- BSIR Members
- BSIR Members General Information
- Committees
- Consent in Interventional Radiology
- Contact Us
- BSIR Annual Scientific Meeting
- BSIR Advanced Skills Course
- BSIR Webinars
- Special Interest Events
- External Events
- Excellence in IR
- Healthcare Governance
- Healthcare Professionals
- Medicolegal matters
- BSIR Bursaries, Awards and Grants
- BSIR Mentoring Scheme
- BSIR Elections
Learning Zone
- BSIR Scientific and Educational Content 2024
- BSIR Scientific and Educational Content 2023
- BSIR Scientific and Educational Content 2022
- BSIR Scientific and Educational Content 2021
BSIR Scientific and Educational Content 2020
BSIR ASM 2020 Recordings
- BSIR ASM 2020 Scientific Sessions
- BSIR ASM 2020 Plenary Sessions
- BSIR ASM 2020 State of the Art Sessions
- BSIR ASM 2020 Miscellaneous Sessions
- BSIR ASM 2020 Special Interest Committee Sessions
- BSIR ASM 2020 Industry Partners Sessions
- BSIR ASM 2020 Wattie Fletcher Lecture
- BSIR ASM 2020 BSIR Quiz
- BSIR ASM 2020 Gold Medal Award
- BSIR ASM 2020 Trainee Day
- BSIR ASM 2020 Poster Winners, Essay Scholars and Case Study Scholars
- BSIR 2020 Webinar Series
- BSIR 2020 ASM Poster Room
BSIR ASM 2020 Recordings
BSIR Scientific Content 2019
- Graham Plant Lecture: Interventional Radiology - a 21st Century Speciality
- Scientific Session 6: Embolisation
- Wattie-Fletcher Lecture - GIRFT and IR: What is going on out there?
- BSIR ASM 2019 Presentations
- BSIR ASM 2019 Scientific Sessions
- BSIR ASM 2019 Wattie-Fletcher Lecture and Graham Plant Lecture
- BSIR Scientific Content 2018
- BSIR Scientific Content 2017
BSIR Scientific Content 2016
- Welcome Address
- Plenary 1: Interventional Radiology In Limb Salvage (DM)
- State of the Art 1: Aortic Dissection
- Presentation of BSIR Honorary Fellowship to Prof. Mike Dake
- Scientific Session 1: Aortic Intervention
- Scientific Session 2: Oncology Intervention (Charter 4)
- Dr Graham Plant Lecture
- BSIR: Current Status of IR (Charter 4)
- BSIR: Registries Audits Trials - Summaries & Updates (Charter 4)
- State of the Art 2: Oncology Intervention; Update
- Plenary 2: Interventional Urology (Charter 4)
- Plenary 3: Interventions for visceral ischemia and aneurysms
- Oncology Interventions 2: HCC (Charter 4)
- Mortality & Morbitity & Amazing Solutions
- State of the Art 3: Interventional Robotics.
- Oncology Intervention 3: Controversies in management of colo-rectal liver metastasis (Charter 4)
- Scientific Session 3: Peripheral Vascular Intervention.
- Scientific Session 4: GI, GU & Hepatobiliary. (Charter 4)
- Plenary 4: BSIR Hot Debate
- Oncology Intervention 4: Ablation outside the liver
- Wattie Fletcher Lecture & Presentations
- Gold Medal:
- BSIR Honorary Fellowship - Recipient: Dr Giles Maskell
- Changes to Industry Rules on Sponsorship (Main Auditorium)
- BSIR Snap shot survey of the year (Charter 4)
- State of the Art 4: Pulmonary artery embolism; Time for action!
- Plenary 5: Stroke interevention (Charter 4)
- State of the Art 5: Emerging embolisation procedures.
- Scientific Session 5: Farrago
- Scientific Session 6: Embolisation (Charter 4)
- Plenary session 6: GI-stents: Going off-piste
- Oncology Interventions 5: Kidney; Renel tumors; treatment options & tumor board discussion.
- Plenary 7: Safety issues & occupational hazards in IR.
BSIR Scientific Content 2015
- Wattie Fletcher Lecture 2021
- Plenary 1 IR in Trauma
- State of the art 1 IO
- Scientific Session 1: Aortic Intervention
- Scientific Session 2: Interventional Oncology
- Interventional Oncology 1 Dr Brian Stedman
- State of the Art 2: SFA IR (Lomond Auditorium) Dr Raman Uberoi*, Dr Trevor Cleveland & Dr Andrew Winterbottom
- Interventional Oncology 2: Tumour Ablation (Alsh Suite) Dr Des Alcorn*
- Plenary 2: GI Bleeding & IR (Lomond Auditorium) Dr Ralph Jackson*
- Interventional Oncology 3: Advanced Tumour Ablations (Alsh Suite) Dr David Breen*
- Presentation of BSIR 2015 Honorary Fellowship (Alsh Suite) Professor Duncan Ettles, Recipient: Professor Afshin Gangi
- BASIL 3 Trial Update (Alsh Suite) Professor Andrew Bradbury
- Plenary 3 - Vascular Malformations
- Interventional Urology (Alsh Suite)
- Scientific Session 3: Peripheral Vascular Intervention (Lomond Auditorium)
- Scientific Session 4: GI, GU& Hepatobiliary (Alsh Suite)
- State of the Art 3: Complex TEVAR
- Wattie Fletcher Lecture & Presentations (Lomond Auditorium)
- Provision of 24/7 IR Services Across the UK (Lomond Auditorium)
- Complex Case Session
- Plenary 4: GI Stents (Lomond Auditorium)
- Plenary 5: Critical Limb Ischaemia
- State of the Art 4: IR In Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Scientific Session 5: Farrago (Lomond Auditorium)
- Scientific Session 6: Embolisation (Alsh Suite)
- State of the Art 5: Medico-Legal: Duty of Candour (Lomond Auditorium)
- BSIR Trainees Educational Content
- BSIR Educational Video Programme “HOW I DO IT!”
- Educational Resources
- Vacancies
BSIR Executive Officers and Committee Reports and Meetings
- BSIR Executive Officers Meetings and Reports
- BSIR Full Council Meetings and Reports
BSIR Committee Meetings and Reports
- BSIR Education & Training Committee Meetings and Reports
- BSIR Research Committee Meetings and Reports
- BSIR Scientific Programme Committee Meetings and Reports
- BSIR Audit & Quality Committee Meetings and Reports
- BSIR Communications Committee Meetings and Reports
- BSIR Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Committee Meetings and Reports
BSIR Special Interest Committee Meetings
- BSIR Trainees Committee Meetings and Reports
- BSIR Nurses & Radiographers Committee Meetings and Reports
- IR Juniors Committee Meetings
- BSIR Interventional Oncology Committee Meetings and Reports
- BSIR Paediatrics Committee Meetings and Reports
- Vascular Anomalies Committee Meetings and Reports
- BSIR Vascular Special Interest Committee Meetings and Reports
- Society General Information
- BSIR Society and Special Interest Newsletters
- Social Media
- Partners
- What is Interventional Radiology?
Patient Information Leaflets
Adult procedures
- Antegrade Ureteric Stent
- Carotid Artery Stenting
- Cholecystostomy
- Embolisation for trauma
- endoAVF
- Fallopian Tube Recanalisation
- Fistula Thrombectomy
- Genicular Artery Embolisation
- Inferior Vena Cava Filter Insertion and Removal
- Oesophageal Stenting
- Pelvic Congestion Syndrome and Pelvic Vein Embolisation
- Percutaneous Nephrostomy
- Post-partum haemorrhage and Temporary Balloon Occlusion
Adult procedures
- Useful Terms
- Organisations
- Find an IR Doctor
- Patient Experiences of Interventional Radiology
- Registration
- Registration
- Resources
- Resources
- Revalidation
- Terms Conditions & Privacy Policy
- What is the BSIR?
- Why join the BSIR?